
A.R. LiveによってElephant armour

In ancient India, there were many wars between families. As it was these families had vast armies and part of the "equipment" if that is the right word are elephant. Height is a great advantage in war and so Elephant were used to great effect. Of course they could trample on, break down walls or defences but most importantly of all, they created a presence. A dominant, invincible fear of god look. But elephants can be cut down and many have been. So the idea of armour to protect them would seem logical. In truth it didn't work, heavy and cumbersome, it just added to the weight already there. But impressive it looks..
ロイヤル・アーマリーズ(英語:Royal Armouries)は、イギリスの国立武器防具博物館である。イギリス最古の博物館であり、世界的に見ても最も古い博物館の一つである。また、銃火器、武器防具、火砲で構成されたコレクションは世界でも最大規模である。 さらに読みます

