
R.K.SimpkinsによってZhao Ling Tombs - Shenyang - China

Zhaoling Tomb is located in Beiling Park, the largest park in Shenyang. It is the mausoleum of Huang Taiji (Emperor Taizong) of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) and his queen Bo'erjijite. Huang Taiji was the eighth son of Nurhachi, a great leader who established the Later Jin State and laid the foundation of the Qing Dynasty. He was an outstanding politician and strategist of Manchu, like his father. As the tomb lies to the north of Shenyang City, it is usually called Beiling (North Tomb). Its total area is 4,500,000 square meters (1,112 acres). Construction of the mausoleum began in 1643 and was finished after eight years. Zhaoling Tomb, together with Fuling Tomb in Shenyang and Yongling Tomb in Xinbin are called the Three Mausoleums of the strategic pass (referring to the area between the east of Shanhaiguan Pass and the west of Jiayuguan Pass). Zhaoling is the largest and most magnificent. It is also one of the best preserved imperial mausoleums of China. In March, 1982, it was listed in the second group of Key Cultural Relics Units under the State Protection by the State Council. Its long history as well as classical architecture attracts thousands of visitors every year. The layout here can be divided into three parts from south to north by three buildings: the Horse Dismounting Tablet, the Red Gate and the Square City. The first two parts are used for worship and festivities, while the third part is the burial place of the Emperor. The tomb and surrounding park cover an area of 3,300,000 square metres making it the largest of the three imperial tombs north of the great wall. The area around the tomb was originally set aside for imperial use and ordinary people were forbidden entry. This forbidden area was opened to the public in 1928 and now forms Shenyang's Beiling Park.
北陵は、中国遼寧省の瀋陽市の市街地北部にある後金の2代目、清の初代皇帝である太宗ホンタイジとその妻・孝文端皇后の陵墓である。北陵は瀋陽の中心部から北にあることからつけられた通称で、正式名称は昭陵という。陵墓、建築物などは現在でも良好な状態を残し、清朝初期の技術・建築文化の一端を知ることができる。2004年にユネスコの世界遺産(文化遺産)の明・清王朝の皇帝墓群の一部として追加登録された。規模は清の関外三陵(他の二陵は東陵と永陵。)のうち最大。また現在、周囲は瀋陽で1番大きな公園・「北陵公園」となっ... さらに読みます

